Monday, December 7, 2015

"I Know That God Lives and Loves Us!"

Well I have been thinking and pondering about what I should say in this last email. It's been boggling my mind that this chapter in my life really is coming to an end. I can't believe it. Even my body is beyond worn out.
I have come to realize that in this life, there are good people and bad people, but all people are children of God. A loving Heavenly Father, who loves us and sees us as we can truly become. My life before I flew on a plane to leave my family and friends for 18 months was slowly winding down into a hole. Why? Because I was not obeying some of the simplest commandmants that Heavenly Father has given us: praying and reading the scriptures daily. Have you ever noticed that some of the biggest commandments are easier to keep? But the littlest ones are what are hard. Not killing is pretty easy! 
I know, that without any doubts, reading our scriptures daily helps. Not only that but we recieve personal revelation. I am so happy to say that I am about to finish the Book of Mormon for the 3rd time in my mission. It really has changed my perspective on life and I know that it is true. Every question that we have, can be found in there. Boyd K. Packer taught us that. I took on Moroni's challenge on reading the Book of Mormon and praying to know if it's true. Every time, I got a pounding in my heart knowing that it was true. I am more than sure you can have the same thing happen to you. 
There is a quote that I love. I think that it is from Gordon B. Hinkley. He said that when life gets too hard to stand, kneel. If I were to tell you all of the times that prayer helped, this email would never end! No one will understand us completely, but Heavenly Father. He is so much closer to us than we think. 
I know that this is God's true church. It was restored through the Prophet Joseph Smith and it is the only true church on earth that has God's Holy Priesthood. I know that following our church leaders, the prophet, and his apostles, only leads to eternal happiness. In other words, you either recieve eternal happiness or you don't. It's your choice. Not even once, has following the prophet and apostles led me astray or to sadness. I am so grateful I got called to serve with the Chileno people. Their relaxed and loving attitudes have taught me a lot. They don't worry about the future and enjoy the moment that is happening. I do love them with all my heart. I know I knew them before this life. My heart will always be here in Chile and Chile will always be in my heart. 
I love you all so much. I am amazed every day at the love I recieve from others. You are all great! And well, I guess this is it. I will see you all in a week! 
Hermana Burnham